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Trevor Rabin Family Tree

The History of Trevor Rabin - Musical Genius

"...past tribal fence and family tree..." - Ramsay MacKay, 1970

Home > Family Trees > Trevor Rabin

Trevor Rabin was born in Johannesburg, South Africa on the 13th January 1954.
All bands mentioned are South African-based until 1979.

        NAME UNKNOWN (1966-67)            THE LEAGUE OF GENTLEMEN (1966-67) 
      -----------------------             ---------------------        
      |          |          |             |         |        |      NOT Robert Fripp's band!
    OTHERS     DEREK      TREVOR        RONNIE     NEIL    ALAN
               RABIN      RABIN        FRIEDMAN    CLOUD ROSENBERG
             (Trevor's   (age 12)      (age 12)   (age 11) (age 10)
              brother)    guitar         bass      drums   guitar
              drums         |             |         |        |
                                   CONGLOMERATION (1968-71)
                               |          |         |        |
                            TREVOR     RONNIE     NEIL      ALAN
                            RABIN      ROBOT      CLOUD   ROSENBERG
                            vocals,  (FRIEDMAN)   drums    guitar
                            guitar      bass        |        |
                               |          |         |        |
                   +-----------)----------)---------+        +-----> Peach (1981)
                   |           |          |
                   |     +-----)----------+
                   |     |     |          
                   |     |     +----------+
                   |     |                |
                   |     |           RABBITT (1972) studio session band, recorded 'Locomotive Breath' single         
                   |     |     -----------------------------------------          
                   |     |     |          |         |        |         |          
                   |     |  TREVOR      ERROL     FRANSUA   LOU      CEDRIC
                   |     |  RABIN     FRIEDMAN     ROOS    FORER     SAMSON
                   |     |  vocals,    guitar    keyboards  bass     drums
                   |     |  guitar    (Ronnie's              ^
                   |     |     |       brother)              |
                   |     |     |                             +-----SUCK
                   |     +-----+----------+
                   |                      |
                   |                  FREEDOMS CHILDREN (1973) Trevor Rabin wrote 'Wake Up! State of Fear'
                   |           -------------------------------------------
                   |           |          |         |        |           |
                   |         TREVOR     RONNIE    COLIN    BRIAN        NIC
                   |         RABIN      ROBOT    PRATLEY  DAVIDSON    MARTENS
                   |         guitar      bass     drums    vocals     keyboards
                   |           |          |                  |
                   |           +----------+                  +----> LANCASTER BAND and others, see Freedoms Children
                   |           |
                   |           |                              
                   |           | Trevor played on various sessions during this time
                                          RABBITT (1973) 
                               --------------------------------          NEWTON FIG
                               |           |         |        |             |
                             TREVOR     RONNIE      NEIL     SELWYN         |
                             RABIN      ROBOT       CLOUD    SCHNEIDER <----+
                             vocals,     bass       drums    guitar
                             guitar,       |         |        |     
                             keyboards     |         |        +----> NEXUS, then moved to London, UK
                               |           |         |         
     Guest Appearances:                    RABBITT (1975-1976) 'Boys Will Be Boys' and 'A Croak And A Grunt In The Night'
     Margaret Singana -        --------------------------------
     'Where Is The Love'       |           |         |        |        Recorded 2 highly successful albums and a
     (1976)                  TREVOR     RONNIE      NEIL     DUNCAN    4-track EP 'Morning Light'.
                             RABIN      ROBOT       CLOUD    FAURE
                             vocals,     bass       drums    vocals,
                             guitar,       |         |       guitar,
                             keyboards     |         |       keyboards
                               |           |         |        |
                               |           +---------+--------+------> Rabbitt - Rock Rabbitt (1977) with Aiden 'Dooley' Mason.
                               |                                       Duncan Faure joined Bay City Rollers in 1979, then Karu.
                               |                                       Neil Cloud released a solo album 'St Cloux' in 1978.
                               +-----------+                           Allan Faull (later from Falling Mirror) was offered Trevor's job, but declined.
     Sessions:                        JULIAN LAXTON BAND (1976-77)
     HOT RS (1977)             ------------------------------------------
     Disco Rock Machine (1978) |           |         |        |         |
                             TREVOR     JULIAN     KEVIN    EUGENE    ARTHUR
                             RABIN      LAXTON     KRUGER   HAVENGA   STEAD  
     Trevor played various    bass      guitar     drums    vocals   keyboards -----> Public Image Limited (1983), Shania Twain (2000)
     jazz and rock sessions    |           ^         |
     in 78-79, moved to UK,    |           |         +------> HOT RS (with Dan Hill, René Veldsman and Trevor Rabin), Kariba and hundreds of sessions
     recorded 3 solo albums    |           +-------Freedoms Children, Hawk
     'Trevor Rabin' aka        +-----------+
     'Beginnings', 'Face to Face'          |                                                                                                            
     and 'Wolf', played on various         |                                                                                                                
     sessions, moved to LA.             CINEMA (1982) [NOT the SA group of the same name!]        Trevor was involved in plans on paper for a supergroup         
                              ----------------------------------                                  of Trevor, Rick Wakeman, Carl Palmer and John Wetton.
     There were rumours of    |            |          |        |   Recording sessions             Later, Rabin tried out as a fifth member of Asia
     Trevor joining Keith   TREVOR      CHRIS       TONY     ALAN  during 1982 with               along side Palmer, Wetton, Steve Howe and Geoff Downes.
     Emerson and Jack Bruce RABIN       SQUIRE      KAYE     WHITE Trevor Horn producing.         -- Henry Potts, September 1999
     in a trio and also of  vocals,      bass      keyboards drums 2 tracks released on
     him joining Foreigner. guitar,        |          |        |   'YesYears' boxset 1991         Eddie Jobson played keyboards during Tony Kaye's 
                            keyboards      |          |        |                                  brief absence sometime during 1982/83.
                              |            |          |        |                                  -- John, Yeshoo, January 2000
                                       YES (1983-1988) '90125', '9012Live-The Solos', 'Big Generator'
    Guest Appearances:        --------------------------------------------                                                              
    Frankie Goes To           |            |          |        |         |                                                                   
    Hollywood, Jon          TREVOR      CHRIS       TONY     ALAN       JON                                                      
    Anderson, Lisa          RABIN       SQUIRE      KAYE     WHITE    ANDERSON          
    Hartman, Marc Jordan.   vocals,      bass      keyboards drums     vocals 
                            guitar,        |          |        |         |
                            keyboards      |          |        |         | 
                              |            |          |        |         | via ANDERSON BRUFORD WAKEMAN HOWE
   Trevor released solo       +------------+----------+--------+         +--------------------------------+
   album 'Can't Look Away'    |            |                                                              |
   in 1989.                   |            YES (1990) short-lived line-up, never recorded                 |
                              |            --------------------- - - - - - - - - -                        |
   Recorded 'Live in LA' in   |            |          |        |         |       |                        |
   1989 - released on CD in   |         CHRIS       TONY     ALAN      BILLY   BRUCE    Bruce & Billy were|
   2003.                      |         SQUIRE      KAYE     WHITE    SHERWOOD GOWDY    both from WORLD   |
                              |          bass      keyboards drums    vocals,  guitar   TRADE             |
                              |            |          |        |      guitar                              |
                              |            |          |        |         |                                |
                              |            +----------+--------+---------+                                |
                              |            |                                                              |
    Guest Appearance:         |            YES (1990-91) a few sessions including 'Love Conquers All'     |
    Seal                      ---------------------------------- - - - - -                                |
                              |            |          |        |         |                                |
                            TREVOR      CHRIS       TONY     ALAN      BILLY                              |
                            RABIN       SQUIRE      KAYE     WHITE    SHERWOOD                            |
                            vocals,      bass      keyboards drums     vocals,                            |
                            guitar,        |          |        |       guitar                             |   Billy Sherwood and Jimmy Haun had been bandmates in LODGIC.  
                            keyboards      |          |        |         |                                |   Their only album, 'Nomadic Sands', was released by A&M in 1985.
                              |            |          |        |         |                                |   -- Raymond H. Riethmeier, March 2000
                                       YES (1991-92) 'Union', World Tour                                studio sessions
  Trevor appears    -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  on 4 tracks on    |         |            |          |        |         |         |         |           |         |         |         |         |
  'Union'.        RICK      TREVOR      CHRIS       TONY     ALAN       JON      STEVE      BILL       BILLY     JIMMY      TONY    JONATHAN   OTHERS 
                WAKEMAN     RABIN       SQUIRE      KAYE     WHITE   ANDERSON    HOWE      BRUFORD    SHERWOOD   HAUN       LEVIN    ELIAS
                keyboards   vocals,      bass      keyboards drums    vocals     guitar     drums      vocals,   guitar     bass    keyboards
                            guitar         |          |        |         |         |                   guitar,
  In 1993 Trevor played on    |            |          |        |         |         |                   keyboards
  2 tracks on the Paul Rodgers|            |          |        |         |         |                     |            
  tribute album 'Muddy Water  +------------+----------+--------+---------+---------)---------------------+
  Blues'.                                  |                                       +------------+
                                       YES (1994) 'Talk'                     on tour            |
                              -------------------------------------------- - - - - -            |                                    
                              |            |          |        |         |         |            |
                            TREVOR      CHRIS       TONY     ALAN       JON      BILLY          |
  In the mid/late 90s, ELP  RABIN       SQUIRE      KAYE     WHITE    ANDERSON  SHERWOOD        |
  approached Trevor about   vocals,      bass      keyboards drums     vocals    guitar,        |
  working together but he   guitar,        |                   |         |      keyboards       |
  was too busy with the    keyboards       +-------------------+---------+---------)------------+
  'Glimmer Man' soundtrack.   |            |                                       +------------+
                              |            YES (1996) 'Keys To Ascension', 'Keys To Ascension 2'|                                            
  TREVOR RABIN 1995-1999      V            -------------------------------------------          |
  Solo, session work and soundtracks...    |           |        |         |          |          |
  'Glimmer Man', 'Con Air', 'Armageddon', CHRIS      ALAN      JON       STEVE      RICK        |
  'Jack Frost', 'Enemy of the State',     SQUIRE     WHITE   ANDERSON    HOWE      WAKEMAN      |
  'Deep Blue Sea' and others as well as   bass       drums    vocals     guitar    keyboards    | Billy Sherwood finally
  appearing on Rick Wakeman's 'Return to   |           |        |         |          |          | becomes a full member
  the Centre of the Earth' (1999)          +-----------+--------+---------+----------)----------+
  and Michael Jackson's 'HIStory' (1995).  |                                         +-------------------+
                                           YES (1997-99) 'Open Your Eyes', 'The Ladder'                  |
                                           ------------------------------------------------------        |
                                           |           |        |         |          |          |        |
                                          CHRIS       ALAN     JON       STEVE    BILLY    IGOR 'IVAN'   |
                                          SQUIRE      WHITE  ANDERSON    HOWE    SHERWOOD   KHOROSHEV    |
                                          bass        drums   vocals     guitar   guitar    keyboards    |
                                           |           |        |         |                              |            
                                           +-----------+--------+---------+                              |
                                           |                                                             |
  TREVOR RABIN 2000-2001:                  YES (2000-01) 'Magnification', YesSymphony tour               |
  Soundtracks: 'Whispers', 'The Sixth      --------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - -         |
  Day', 'Remember The Titans', 'Gone in    |           |        |         |          |         |         |
  60 Seconds', 'Texas Rangers', 'Rock     CHRIS       ALAN     JON       STEVE      TOM      VARIOUS     |
  Star', 'American Outlaws', 'Black       SQUIRE      WHITE  ANDERSON    HOWE      BRISLIN  ORCHESTRAS   |
  Sheep' & 'Bad Company'.                 bass        drums   vocals     guitar    keyboards             |                                                                              
                                           |           |        |         |                              |
  TREVOR RABIN 2002-2003:                  YES (2002-3) Tour, 'YesSpeak' documentary DVD                
  Recorded a version of 'Don't Let Me Be   -------------------------------------------             
  Misunderstood' which appeared on 'The    |           |        |         |          |          
  Banger Sisters' soundtrack.             CHRIS       ALAN     JON       STEVE      RICK              
  Released '90124', a collection of demos SQUIRE      WHITE  ANDERSON    HOWE      WAKEMAN             
  from 1981-1994.                         bass        drums   vocals     guitar    keyboards     
  Soundtracks: 'Bad Boys II', 'Kangaroo      
  Released 'Live in LA' (recorded in 1989)
  in 2003.

  Soundtracks: 'Torque', 'The Great Raid',
  'Exorcist: The Beginning', 'White On

©2023 Brian Currin