The online South African Rock Encyclopedia covers the history of South African rock music from the 1950s up to the early 2000s. All this information is made freely available to the public.
Introduction | 1950s | 1960s | 1970s | 1980s | 1990s | 2000s | Compilations
Top 40 South African Rock Legends Top 40 South African Pop Legends
This website was established on the 1st of January 1999 to remember and archive information on the legends of South African rock (and pop and folk and... well "rock" is a very all-encompassing term, isn't it?).
It grew out of conversation in 1998 between Brian Currin and Stephen "Sugar" Segerman, who had both been involved in the amazing Rodriguez story. "What do we do now?". "How about archiving South Africa's Legends of Rock?". So we did.
Rodriguez, Brian Currin, Stephen 'Sugar' Segerman, March 1998
If your favourite South African artist isn't listed here, our apologies. Unfortunately we are no longer able to dedicate the time and energy to updating this website as we would like, so it will need to remain as a time capsule for the foreseeable future.
All the quotes from the book The History Of Contemporary Music Of South Africa by Garth Chilvers and Tom Jasiukowicz (1994, TOGA Publishing) that appear on this website are reprinted here with the kind permission of the authors.
References and Contributions - A list of references and people who have helped with information for this expansive site.