![]() Cover of the Program from the 1996 UK Tour |
The Musical equivalent to watching a trapeze act without the net! Performing since 1988, South Africa's most enduring theatrical success story, now at the peak of their creative powers. " . . . . A National Phenomenon!" (Mail and Guardian) " . . . . A National Treasure" (The Star) Running for twelve years the group's stalwarts, Graham Weir and Christine Weir, are now joined by actor-writer, Adrian Galley, and musical actress, Neisha-Anne Harley, who blend seamlessly into the group adding a wealth of fresh appeal. The show's emphasis turned to their original songs and compositions. |
Singing like angels, but with a devilish wit, they have been hailed both nationally and internationally for their unique blend of harmonies, humor and original writing. The exquisitely talented a cappella-singing-wizards feature a range of original material and goonish skits, alongside a mischievous treatment of classical and evergreen favourites. The show is 90% South African music, including songs by writers James Phillips and Roger Lucy. Baxter Concert Hall 1999 - 2000 - what the critics said: ". . . see why Not the Midnight Mass deserves the rousing, standing ovation they so effortlessly evoke" - The Cape Times, 9th Dec 1999 ". . . this inspired smorgasbord of musical delights will cheer and thrill the most eclectic of audiences" - M&G, 17 December 1999 ". . . Masses of talent . . .pure vocal dexterity mixed with a huge dollop of fun" - The Argus, 10 December 1999 Agfa Theatre on the Square - Sandton - July 2000 - what the critics said: ". . . unquestionably the most polished, to a high gloss in fact, of all the inarnations of the group" - The Star, July 2000 ". . . vermaak jou onophoudelik met 'n stroom gehaltemusiek en spitsvondigheid" (English translation: ceaselessly amuses you with a stream of quality music and invention) - Beeld, 16 Julie 2000 Original material - what the critics have to say: " . . . . Graham Weir's deeply moving "Eh Bahran", a song about human aspiration and minedumps, and "Sad Day", a song about rain, bringing the chaotic streets, dust and thunderstorms of Johannesburg to vivid life." (Time Out, London) " . . . You know that a musical revue is really exceptional when the self-penned numbers stand out above the cover versions. Such a show is Not the Midnight Mass" (Citizen) "Graham Weir's "Eb Bahran" is one of the country's most stirring anthems" (Peter Frost) "Graham Weir is a composer of technical brilliance and his voice has imaginative power" (Business Day) Die musikale eweknie daarvan om 'n sweefstokkunstenaar sonder 'n vangnet dop te hou. (English translation: The Musical equivalent to watching a trapeze act without the net!) Na elf jaar op die planke kan NOT THE MIDNIGHT MASS tereg Suid-Afrika se langdurigste teaterverhaal genoem word. Op die hoogtepunt van hul kreatiewe vermoëns lei hul ons die 21ste Eeu binne met 'n blinknuwe vertoning. Die groep se steunpilare, Graham Weir en Christine Weir word bygestaan deur jazz-diva- komponis Tina Schouw en akteur-en-skrywer Adrian Galley wat 'n vars aanslag verskaf. Daar word gefokus op die oorspronklik komposisies en treffers van die groep. Die groep het reeds plaaslik en oorsee groot lof ingeoes vir hul uitsonderlike mengsel van harmonieë, humor en oorspronklike skryfwerk wat 'n wye verskeidenheid oorspronklike werke, immergroen gunstelinge en klassieke werke insluit. Hulle sing soos engele, maar met duiwelse vernuf. (English translation: After eleven years on the stage, NOT THE MIDNIGHT MASS can rightly be named South Africa's most enduring theatre phenomenon. At the height of their creativeness, they lead us into the 21st century with a brand new show. The group's pillars, Graham Weir and Christine Weir are joined by jazz diva and composer Tina Schouw and actor/writer Adrian Galley that offers a fresh approach. The focus is on the groups original compositions and hits. The group have already gained high praise both locally and overseas for their exceptional harmonies, humour and original material that includes a wide variety of original works, evergreen favourites and classical works. They sing like angels, but with devilish wit. ![]() The UK Tour Program PERFORMANCE HISTORY Theatre runs: June 1988 - Black Sun Theatre, Johannesburg Oct-Dec 1988 - Black Sun Theatre, JHB April-June 1991 - Ziggies Cabaret Theatre, Johannesburg September 1991 - Natal Playhouse, Durban November 1991 - Opera House, Port Elizabeth Dec 91-March 1992 - Dock Road Theatre, Cape Town April - July 1992 - Black Sun Theatre, Johannesburg - "Great Hits" April 1993 - Dock Road Theatre, Cape Town - "Return Sell - Out Season" Oct - Nov 1994 - Johannesburg Civic Theatre Dec 94 - Jan 1995 - Dock Road Theatre, Cape Town - "Another Return Season" August 1995 - Baxter Theatre, Cape Town September 1995 - Theatre on the Square, Johannesburg December 1995 - Dock Road Theatre, Cape Town June - July 1999 - Chilli and Lime, Cape Town Dec 99 - Jan 2000 - Baxter Concert Hall, Cape Town - "Millennium Mass" July 2000 - Agfa Theatre on the Square, Sandton, Johannesburg - "21st Century Mass" November 2000 - Elizabeth Sneddon Theatre, Durban December 2008 - Theatre On The Bay - 21st Anniversary Shows January 2009 - Monte Casino Theatre - 21st Anniversary Shows Festivals: July 1988 - Grahamstown Festival December 1988 - Earth Life Pop Festival July 1991 - Grahamastown Festival July 1992 - Grahamstown Festival - "Mass Hysteria" and "Mass Debate" July 1995 - Grahamastown Festival May 1996 - The Brighton Arts Festival, UK September 1999 - Cape Town One City Festival March 2000 - Maitisong Festival, Gaberone, Botswana September 2000 - Hilton Fesitval September 2000 - Hermanus Whale Festival July 2001 - Grahamstown Main Festival Tours: Feb - March 1996 - Namibia and Botswana April - May 1996 - United Kingdom - London (Kings Head Theatre, Canal Café Theatre) and Brighton (Kommedia Theatre) August 1999 - Boland Tour March - June 2000 - "Mass Movements" - Western Cape, Garden Route and Mpumalanga Concerts: October 1994 - FNB Vita National Awards Ceremony March 1996 - "Matisong Festival", Gaberone, Botswana February 1996 - Saambou Arena, Pretoria October 1997 - "Bread" tour at the Standard Bank Arena, Johannesburg. August 2000 - "Oppie Koppie" March 2001 - "Spier Amphitheatre, Stellenbosch" Charities / Benefits: Alida White Benefit - 1992 Red Nose Day - 1993 (Civic Theatre) AIDS Benefit - 1993 and 1994 (Civic Theatre) James Phillips Benefit - 1995 Oaklands Primary School - 1995 AIDS Benefit - 1995 (Civic Theatre) Red Nose Day - 1996 (State Theatre) Awards and Nominations: Evening Post Award - 1991 Dalro Award - 1992 Vita Nomination (Cabaret) - 1992 Vita Nomination Best Musical Performer - 1992 Vita Nomination (Musical) - 1994 Vita Nomination Best Musical Performer - 1996 Soiree: Des and Dawn Soiree - 1995 & 1998 Glenshiels - 1990 & 1992 Television and Radio: Review Plus Premier People of the South GMSA 6 on 1 Live Wire Not Quite Friday Night Front Row, M-Net Loose Ends, BBC London Talk Radio London News Radio Southern Counties radio, UK SAFM (London corrspondent) |