
..the name is Clifford,...Pete Clifford,....004!Discography: Album - 004's, It's All Right, CBS ALD 8911, 1966

Tracks: She's Going Back Home Today/ They Don't Open/ You've Got What It Takes/ I've Got News ForYou/ On Broadway/ Nobody But Me/ Beverley/ If You Love Me/ It's As Easy As That/ Parchman Farm/ I've Found Her/ It's Alright
Compilation Album
- Spectacular Star Sensations, CBS KLD 4509, 1966

Track: Goin' out of my head
Seven Singles - It's Alright/ ???, CBS SSC ???, 1966
- Beverly/ Parchman Farm, Acetate, 1966

- The In Crowd/ Without You, CBS SCC 599, 1966

- Goin' Out Of My Head/ Little Miss Trouble, CBS SSC 677, 1966

004's In Concert

- The 004's backing the Ivy League in Durban,
April 1966
Session Work Both Pete Clifford and Jack Russel played on The Dream Merchants 1967 album, "Hang on to a dream"
Musicians: - Pete Clifford: vocals, lead guitar joined the Bats in 1968
- Brian Gibson: vocals, rhythm guitar
- Jack Russel: vocals, bass guitar
- Peter Stember: vocals, drums
Terrific guy: Pete Clifford was also responsible for broadening my musical mind.... PeteClifford at that time was their (the Bats) lead guitar player, and my housematein Mayfair. Pete is a terrific guy, and was a pleasure to share a house with... Tothis day I credit him as my second greatest guitar influence, helping me understand the guitar fingerboard in a very insightful manner. -- Mel Green An A-Cad? If memory serves (and at my age it quite often doesn't), I don't think PeteClifford ever became an A-Cad (contrary to what the History of Contemporary Music Of South Africa book says--although he would have been my first choice). -- Richard Laws Tertius Louw, July 2001 South Africa's Rock Legends
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