One of the first concerts I ever went to was the Free People's Concert atWits University. It was during the turmoil of the 80's and at a time whenSouth Africa was producing some excellent music. One of the acts on thebill was Ella Mental who were just rising to fame with the singles 'SeeYouself (Clowns)' and 'Pressure' getting some good airplay (the formermanaging to reach number 16 on the Radio 5 charts). One of my abidingmemories of the concert was standing near the stage being concerned atoffending Heather Mac as I was standing with my fingers in my ears (thatand my friend's girlfriend favourably comparing my rear end with BruceSpringsteen's. Butt I digress). The reason I was blocking my ears was notthat I disliked the music, but I hadn't realised how loud it would be.
Ella Mental's debut album 'Uncomplicated Dreams' contained theaforementioned singles and five other tracks. The dreams may have beenuncomplicated, but the music is sophisticated rock. Heather Mac's matureand commanding vocals immediately set the tone on the opener 'See Yourself(Clowns)' and maintain it throughout the album. These strong vocals and theguitar playing of one of South African's leading axemen, Tim Parr, meantthat this album was bound to be something special. Apart from the wonderfulpop rock of 'See Youself' andthe edgy 'Pressure', the album has touches of Anglo-African sounds,particularly evident in the éVoid-y guitar on 'Dancing (in the Moonlight)',a great rockabilly track in 'Wet Washing' and closes with the punky'Monsters' (which was the B-Side of the 'See Yourself' single).
The big question that surrounds this album for me is the meaning of thesong 'Magic Mother' with the lyric 'Magic Mother cast spell on us/teach usto dance away all of our fears". Is the mother referred to Mama Africa, oris Magic Mother used here a code for Magic Mushroom? You never know withthese rock musician types. I can't recall ever hearing this tune on theradio, so I guess the SABC protected us from this highly subversive song.
After the success of this album, Ella Mental recorded the single '30 MillionLonely People' which had limited success. They then headed over to theStates possibly more as self-imposed exiles rather than seeking fame andfortune. There they recorded the less impressive 'Ella Mental' an album thatgrew out of the cracks in the pavement of New York and lacked the passionof 'Uncomplicated Dreams' which was firmly rooted in the fertile soil of80's South Africa.
John Samson, SA Rockdigest #164, August 2002
Info supplied by John Samson, May 2002. CD re-issue supplied by Benjy Mudie from RetroFresh
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