A Virgo by birth, I was born in the northcoast town of Stanger, KwaZulu Natal (KZN), South Africa.
I spent most of my childhood days in Shaka's Kraal (I guess you can call me Shaka's daughter),
which is beautiful little town between Tinley Manor and Umhlali, surrounded by fruit, veg, flower and
sugarcane farms with the Umhlali River runnning thru. I spent the best moments of my younger
days as a free spirit, open to the elements that enveloped me. This allowed me to treasure
the memories of my childhood days so fondly. My dad was a lab technician at the
local mill. He had great hobbies such as keeping bees and rabbits, and those memories and smells
are still with me today.
My mum was a home executive, the finest chef indeed! I have six siblings, five sisters and a brother.
A confirmed Catholic, my family and I attended a lovely little church on the hill called St Anne's.
I recall fellowshipping with Penny Ray Coellen and the De Chamoy families, participating in all
the regular activities.
My family relocated to the South Coast of KZN. I was educated in Durban, really enjoying my teenage
years to the fullest. I was actively involved in all arena's, both religious and social.
Post matric, I qualified in Personnel Management, Perceptive Management, Public Relations,
Marketing Management, and I'm an Accredited Facilitator with SA Host.
I conduct training in the Hospitality Industry in Customer Care. I'm also a consultant in PR and Marketing,

and I'm an acccredited Member of Integro International (Perceptive and Marketing Management) and
PRISA (Public Relations Institute of South Africa)
I'm a board member of SADC (South African Disabled Community), and I served on the Miss India South Africa
management committee for the pageants, as well as on Worldwide Pageants.
Project references include:-
- ZONTA International 2000 Khanya Project
- Independant Newspapers
- Masakana Project
- Greek Orthodox Archbishop's Mission
- Cosmos House
- VIA Ambasador (Visionaries in Africa), and I am a recipient of the VIA Award in Honour of Humanitarian Work on the 5th December 2005. (United Nations International Volunteer Day).
Social realities need to be attended to on an ongoing basis. My work with the Archbishop's
Mission allows me to fulfill this role thru the distribution of food and clothing to the needy,
especially in the impovrished areas of Alex, Soweto, Eldorado Park, West Turfontein and
Orange Farm. These provisions are sourced thru the kind donations of the Greek Community and
live on Air Blood Drive, administered by Maria Dzerefos, whom I partner.
My special interests are networking with previously disadvantaged Women in Business,
Social Projects, Black Empowerment and Rural Development. I work closely with NGO'S
FBO'S and CBO's with their primary objectives.

I'm currently working on a project to supply a full meal replacement to school learners who
have no proper nutritional meals. I also prospect for donors. (Thank you to Mr Richard Elerman
of Elerman's Gearbox and Engines for his keen interest in the project!).
A question is asked: "Am I my Brother's Keeper?" I say YES, and I receive immense joy
and self-fulfilment in caring for the needy.
I present and produce lunchtime and (jazz) evening shows, and Jozi Today (Magazine Programme,
regeneration of the innercity of Joburg), news, views and interviews on 1485am Radio Today, and
I also do voice-overs.
I enjoyed listening to all genres of music from a young age, and I thank my parents for allowing me freedom of choice. I started off by listening to Sergio Mendes, Chicago, Uriah Heep, Grand Funk Railroad, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Frank Zappa and a lot more.

Make no mistake, there was also Choral, Jazz and Contemporary music that grabbed me in
many ways. I enjoy sharing my music with everyone I come into contact with and I always
maintain that I cannot live without music.
Do not take that away from me, for I will die a painful death.
I attribute my success and drive to my family and friends, and I would especially like
to thank Edgar, Avril, Ronelle, Kevin and Mark - the man in my life (forever) - for believing in me.
Thank you to my buddy Leon Economides and my new found friends - guys, you know
who you are (the brunch gang) - for your continued support and the laughter you generate.
The network will grow.