Mercia Love
- Mercia Love, CBS, ALD 6971, 1967

Tracks: Goin' out of my head/ You got your troubles/ For all we know/ Cry softly/ This is my song/ Rescue me/ How glad I am/ Call me/ Sunny/ So much in love/ Single girl/ Little by little
- Mercia Love, Translantic, TRL 008, No Date

Tracks: How can you mistreat the one you love/ When a woman loves a man/ Groovin' is easy/ Summer time/
Love me/ Georgia on my mind/ The city and I/ Say a little prayer/ Missisipi delta/ Wonderful wonderland/ Season
of the witch/ Sock it to me
Compilation Album
- Various Artists, Super Spectacular, CBS, KLD 4512,
no date

Tracks: Cry softly/ Rescue me
Seven Singles:
- Find me a lover [Ronnie Singer/ Mike Noble]/ Till, CBS, SSC 623, 1965

- Little by little/ (You don't know) How glad I am,
CBS, SSC 664, 1966
- Rescue me/ Single girl, CBS, SSC 787, 1967
- You're gonna get next to me/ Walk and talk with me (both sides sung by Neville Whitmill and Mercia Love),
RPM rpm 493, 1977
Mercia Love Compositions Recorded By Other Artists:
- Shirley Bassey, Good, Bad, But Beautiful, United Artists, UAS 7123, 1975
Track: Run on and on and on
- "Mercia Love", Teenage Personality, pp 9-10,
31 March 1966
- "The Square Set", Teenage Personality, pp 3-6,
20 July 1967
Tertius Louw, May 2002
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