Just Jinger
- All Comes Round [1997]
- Something For Now EP [1998]
- Here's To You [1999]
- Strange World [2000]
- Greatest hits [October 2001]
Cover art:
- Art Matthews: vocals, guitar
- Brent Harris: drums, percussion, vocals
at various times:
- Verny Scholtz: guitars, keyboards, vocals
- Tuxx Mothomme: bass, vocals
- Denholm Harding: bass
- Dan Janse van Rensburg: guitar
When it comes to recent homegrown South
African Rock, no other band has ignited the imagination of thousands
of fans the country over quite just like Just Jinger
In 1997,
the year the group's debut album, All Comes Round, was unleashed on
the South African music scene, few might have predicted that in the
space of a year, the album would shift platinum, score no less than
four Top 40 hits on 5fm (South Africa's largest national radio
station) and earn the fledgling group the front cover of Billboard
magazine. After all, the SA rock scene is renowned for its
unyielding boundaries, with album sales in particular more often
that not barely scraping the 10 000 mark.
But All Comes Round
accomplished all that and more, and today remains a benchmark album
for any rock band entering the scene, with songs like "Shallow
Waters" and Father and Farther" perennial radio
Along the way, Just Jinger frontman, Art
Matthews, and his bandmates always drummer Brent Harris along with
several different bass and guitar players (Tuks, Verny Scholtz,
Denholm Harding and Dan Janse Van Rensburg) were transformed from
being part of a regular rock playing band on the circuit to bonafide
stars. Much of this rested on Just Jinger's obvious skilled
musicianship, and the band's and Matthews' in particular
electrifying stage presence. But mostly it had to do with the singer
and guitarists' ability to pen songs of epic proportions, marking
Matthews' out as one of the country's most accomplished songwriters.
The latter probably took some of the group's first fans off guard
after all, to earn a living, Matthews had been playing the cover
band circuit for some time before securing a recording contract with
BMG Africa in 1996. But with each Just Jinger release, Matthews
proved the chart topping tracks off All Come Round were no fluke.
His was and indeed is a songwriting gift that resides in the modern
rock tradition but is pretty much flawless, instantly accessible,
quite frequently gorgeous, diverse and always memorable.
Jinger's growing fanbase took the group without hesitation and were
not disappointed with the release of the EP, Something For Now
(1998) which spawned chart topping tracks like "Like You Madly" and
"Paradise in Summertime". The EP also contained one of the few
recorded cover versions the band had ever done a dazzling
interpretation of Rodriguez' "Sugarman". Line up changes did nothing
to undermine Just Jinger's undisputed position as the reigning kings
of South African rock and in 1999 Here's To You (featuring a title
that paid tribute to the group's fans) once more delivered the hits
"Those Days" and "Perfect Ground" among them. And although the
group's sound remained rock anchored, the album also showcased
Matthews' ability to pen more subtle, softer, ballad-like material.
Aside from turning Just Jinger into stars (and pin up boys
for more than a few fans), the success of All Comes Around,
Something For Now and Here's To You had a wider impact. Even those
(few) non fans understood the role the group had played in
galvanizing the industry on all levels at radio, on the live
circuit, at a grassroots fan level helping create a vibrant and
dynamic rock scene that many groups still benefit from. But for Just
Jinger, an invisible ceiling had been reached the records broken,
the circuits played (at times relentlessly), the international
groups supported (among them U2, Def Leppard, the Crash test Dummies
and Toto) the sales and chart action achieved. So the group decided
to move to one of the most cutthroat music cities in the world
London, UK to try and fathom just where their destiny lay. It was
there that the bulk of Just Jinger's fourth release, Strange World
(2000), took shape. The result of this trans continental shift was
an album that had all the trademark Just Jinger ingredients gorgeous
songs beautifully served by skilled musicianship and Matthews' warm,
full blooded voice and a far more textured, layered and lush sound
than before. Stand outs included the exceptional "For All We Know",
the radio friendly single, "Your Song" and "Go On".
together here on this Greatest Hits album is the work of a pivotal
South African rock band a group that forever altered the face of the
genre in a country where rock is not the mainstream music of choice
for most people living here. What gives this album appeal for more
than just dedicated Just Jinger fans are the powerful performances
and enduring strength of Matthews' songwriting, which always stood
in a class of its own.
Sleeve notes from 'Greatest Hits' CD, October 2001
Just Jinger
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