Roger Waters

Complete KAOS

This fantasy collection is part of my series of imaginary compilations, where official CDs are non-existent or inadequate in my opinion.

The idea for this imaginary CD is based on an article by FT Wilder which appeared on the website.

  1. Get Back To Radio from Tide Is Turning CD single
  2. Folded Flags from When The Wind Blows
  3. Radio Waves
  4. Who Needs Information?
  5. Me Or Him
  6. Molly's Song b-side of Who Needs Information single
  7. Towers Of Faith from When The Wind Blows
  8. The Powers That Be
  9. Going To Live In LA from Radio Waves single
  10. Fish Report With A Beat from Radio KAOS video
  11. Sunset Strip
  12. Home
  13. Four Minutes
  14. The Tide Is Turning (After Live Aid)


Pink Floyd

The Wall

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