Live And Blue (Out Of The Mists Of Time)
Tracks: The first set of timings is taken from the inside of the CDcover, while the second is clocked by my CD player (note the big differences).
Click on the highlighted titles for more detailed info at TheHighway Star, the official home of Deep Purple on the web. This CD was released in 1996 in South Africa by PT (Phase Two) Music with catalogue number RTFCD 100. Buy this CD from Phase 2 CDs. Sleeve Notes:
During their thirty year history, DP have seen many personnel changes,but over the years each line up has added their own classic albums and liveperformances to the DP legend. This CD captures Mark 2 in Stockholm, Mark 3in Europe and Mark 4 in California. The latter performance was longregarded as 'The Holy Grail' to DP collectors as it was the only greatperformance captured on tape with Tommy Bolin in the guitarist's chair. Asa bonus, the rare studio track 'When a Blind man cries' has been added tothis CD capturing Purple at their most blue. Review: I wrote a review for this CD which appeared on the Deep Purple Digest Mailing List on 10th September 1998. Deep Purple - Live And Blue (Out Of The Mists Of Time) A review by Brian Currin, September 1998
This CD is a compilation of live tracks (and one studio release) released in1996 in South Africa only. There are a number of mistakes in track timings,cover art and general info, but don't let this distract you from a greatlistening experience. This CD is compiled from 3 Connoisseur Collection liveCDs, plus the studio outtake (and b-side) "When A Blind Man Cries".
All the live tracks are taken from: Scandinavian Nights (recorded in 1970), Mk 3: The Final Concerts (recorded in 1975) and Live In California (1976, also known as On The Wings Of A Russian Foxbat)
According to the album cover, Glenn Hughes and Tommy Bolin are bothleft-handed guitarists (wait till Jimi hears about this!). This is the samephoto as on Foxbat, just reversed and with a different logo style. The titleon the cover is Live And Blue, but on the spine it says Out Of The Mists OfTime (and on the actual disc the title is The Deep Purple Connection!).
OK, let's talk about the music which is why I wrote this review in the firstplace and why I listen to this CD so often. I bought this CD after alreadyhaving all the other albums mentioned above, but I really liked the idea ofa live compilation.
The CD opens with Black Night, which was the encore from Stockholm on the12th of November 1970. A wonderful version especially considering this songwasn't even a year old at the time. Great guitar/vocal interplay near the end.
This is followed by Speed King from the same show. This track "speeds" alongand includes Ian Gillan telling us what a Speed King is. (Someone who cansing at 100 miles an hour!)
Next up is Smoke On The Water from the Long Beach Arena, 27th February1976. Whose says Tommy can't play SOTW? (not me, anymore!). A superb versionuntil Glenn Hughes starts his warbling, barely-recognisable version ofGeorgia On My Mind. Why did he bother?
Highway Star is the encore from the Long Beach show. A thundering trackthat includes a snippet from Buddy Holly's Not Fade Away. Listed on CD coveras Goin' Down/Highway Star, but Goin' Down has gone!
Burn, the fast-paced show-opener from Graz in Austria on the 4th April 1975with an excellent organ solo from Jon Lord.
The last Deep Purple performance with Ritchie until 1984 included thismajestic version of Mistreated from Paris on the 7th April 1975. Thispowerful blues song still gives me cold shivers when I hear it and you wouldnever guess that this was Ritchie's last show. The snippet from BB King'sRock Me Baby is handled well by David Coverdale.
Last live track is a long (17 minute) version of Child In Time fromStockholm in 1970. Meanders in places, but overall a great version.
The last track on the CD is the Machine Head outtake When A Blind Man Cries,originally only available as a b-side in 1972. In South Africa, however, thistrack became a big radio hit and was (and still is) extremely popular, henceit's inclusion here, I guess. South African DP fans were thrilled that thistrack was included on their 1995 Masters Of Rock tour (A double bill withUriah Heep). This song was also played "unplugged" in the studios of SAradio station 5FM by The Deep Purple Trio (Jon, Steve and Roger) as part ofthe same tour.
Well, there you have it, a great collection of live tracks and one of myfavourite DP compilation albums.
Sometimes I program my CD player in this order for a better flow:
Speed King Child In Time Burn Mistreated Smoke On The Water Highway Star Black Night When A Blind Man Cries (or leave off, since it isn't a live track)
My overall rating is a very big 9 (including any live version of 'Strange Kind Of Woman' wouldhave got it a 10!) |
Any comments to BrianCurrin The SA Deep Purple Website
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