The Helicopters1980s pop/rock band
- Mysteries & Jealousies Listen
(1984) WEA
- Don't Wanna Live in Hollywood (1986) WEA
- Whisper Your Secret (1987) Tusk/Gallo
- What Affair EP (1988) Gallo BL 652
- Love Attack (1985) WEA
- In The Flesh (1987) Tusk/Gallo
- The Best Of The Helicopters (October 2002) RetroFresh
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I was listening to 'Mysteries and Jealousies' a while back and I was
stuck with the fact that here was a perfectly excellent tune, you can dance
to it, the melody sticks in my head, I give it a 10 as they used to say on
Dick Clark's American Bandstand show about a song's dance-ability, it is
perfectly in keeping with the radio style of its day, and yet it was not
picked up for UK or USA release. I felt the frustration in small degree SA
musicians must feel, to work so hard and create something so perfectly
hit-worthy, and to succeed with it in one's own country, but not far beyond.
Kurt Shoemaker, Texas, January 2000
Bernard Binns
Info supplied by Bernard Binns, November 1999
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