Hey SA Rock Digest!
Thanx for thinking of us, & for the opportunity to point out what the
B.A.N.D. & I consider to be merely the tip of the iceberg when it comes to
SA music!
In no particular order...
- Seether (Saron Gas) - 'Gasoline' (Jo's fave)
- Wickhead - 'Anthem' (Jo's other fave)
- Toxic Shame - 'Silent Movie' (yeah, OK, I wrote it - but TS did a stunning job!)
- Orange - 'Crazy'
- Cutting Jade - '10 Seconds'
- eVoid - 'Taxi Man'
- Tree 63 - 'A Million Lights' (Charl's fave)
- Wonderboom - 'Jafta Rebel' (Herman's fave)
- Kelvin Declined - '42' (Martin's fave)
- BOO! - 'OOO AAA' (Martin's other fave)
Some other bands we admire & would like to mention, if we may:
The Narrow / RhutZ / Belljar / Springbok Nude Girls / Soil 7t7 / D-Day
4Ever / Mandoza / Tait / Counter Culture / 16 Stitch / Karma / Marlowe /
Toyland / Old Mol / Evolver / Blow / N8ive / Soulja / Even Flow /
Summersalt / Poser / Fruit Fly Navigators / Fuzigish / Cofield... and there
are so many more!
Yet there are still some "big knobs" - too blinkered to see what's on their
doorstep, and too pedantic to consider that their formats may not be a true
reflection of what's happening musically in our wonderful land - who insist
that there is not enough quality SA music to warrant upping the local
broadcast quotas! (A case for "Ripley's Believe It Or Not", in my opinion.)
If any SA Rock Digest readers agree, we ask that they take 2 minutes of
their time to sign up on
SA music kicks MEGA ass! Soon, the world will know...
Many thanx, and ROCK ON!
Jo & the dudes
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