'Amuzed' - 23/01/98

Late January is always a difficult time for us music addicts. There is always an avalanche of new albums leading up to Xmas and what with being flush from bonuses and knowing that there will be the correct CDs gift-wrapped with our names on them under the tree, if our hints didn't fall on dof ears, our new sound stashes should last well into January. It's not too long however before we get this salivating need for new music but those record company 'merches' are also on holiday and know too well that January is not the best month to launch new product so its cold Xmas turkey time. It is a good opportunity to catch up with all the year-end album polls and go and re-listen to all the CDs that didn't get a fair shake first time around. I always go to Julian's Rock Lists where all the current and archived 'Best of the year' album and singles lists are stored.
Something new and interesting is 'Burn The Evidence', the second album offering from The Original Evergreen. We've heard nothing from this trio since their '95 'Puff The Magik' CD single which hinted at an album to be anticipated but never delivered, until now. I dragged them in for a Lager Mentailty interview and the results of this mind-altering experience will appear on this site as soon as we um, get it together to er, put it together you know, like……
They say you can always depend on your friends but MNet has seen fit to remove our weekly fix with our buddies Chandler, Joey, Monica, Ross, Rachel and the awesome Phoebe from our screens for a while. Wednesdays just aren't going to be the same unless some genius releases a full album of Phoebe's songs with 'Smelly Cat' as the first single. Talking about 'Friends', my old one in New York phoned to mention that on Sunday he was fortunate enough to catch the Bob Dylan and Van Morrison live double feature at the Madison Square Theatre. This mindblowing series of concerts had to be cancelled during 1997 when Dylan was hospitalised with heart problems and (in his words) "nearly saw Elvis". He's OK now and these concerts are now happening. Even stranger is the fact that on the same night and at the same time, the Rolling Stones were in concert at the Madison Square Gardens right next door! I heard a whisper that Van the Man would be performing in SA during '98 maybe he'll bring uncle Bob with him…
Now listen up! We at Amuzine are going to be launching a new section to our SA music site called "The Show Must Go Online" which will be the place to which all you aspiring (or established) writers and critics can send short, sharp and sussed reviews on any concert, movie, album, exhibition, play, rave or happening you feel you would like to share with us. The best articles will be featured on this site and the best writers will be approached to become more involved with our online SA music 'zine as we seek to grow bigger and better during 1998. So put your thoughts on an email and send it to me at sugar@cd.co.za, just do it!
This week we Review the new album from sax legend Ratau Mike Makhalemele. If you haven't yet visited One World, the the largest South African CD store on the (pla)net then why wait? If you want to review some SA gigs but don't know where and when they are happening, then simply go to the Gig Guide and all will be revealed. For example, if you haven't heard Elephant Sun yet then you can catch them live (and buy a copy of their cool new debut CD 'Perceptions') on Wednesday 28th Jan at Challengers in Brackenfell. Emails continue to pour into our web-board on The Great Rodriguez Website as the word spreads around the world that 'Rod' is around again and could be touring SA this year. While you're there be sure to check out another excellent Rodriguez site Climb up on my music. Otherwise, as always I welcome all and any info, feedback, opinions and queries concerning SA music news, bands, artists, gossip, albums, and new releases. If you feel the urge, please email me at
Stephen 'Sugar' Segerman
by stephen 'Sugar' Segerman
The Great Rodriguez Website
One World Your online CD store
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